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Cleaning, decluttering, and other tidy tips


There’s a difference between tidying your home (i.e. cleaning) and decluttering.

You’ll always have dirty dishes, clothes to fold, and a toilet to clean even after you declutter. What’s the best way to cut through the mess and keep it clean? Use our 10-minute tidying tips and tricks. It’s all you’re going to need!

Ready to start decluttering? Read on!


If you’re just starting, here’s the Marie Kondo process:

  • Make a clothes mountain out of all your clothes (shoes too)

  • Then go through one-by-one. Does it give you that spark?

  • Thank the pieces you choose to discard.

  • Organize your trimmed down wardrobe by color, length, and weight of material

Other ideas to keep your wardrobe tidy:


Marie Kondo says:

  • Make a book mountain (put all your books into a pile)

  • Go through one by one. Does it give you that spark?

  • Thank the items you choose to discard.

  • Organize your collection of books by height.

Marie says she keeps about 30 books at a time.


Organize your papers into 3 categories:

  • Keep - items like birth certificates, passports, and other legal documents you absolutely must have.

  • To do - items that require your attention, like bills, invitations, and other items.

  • Discard - everything else.

What about other paper-like things?

  • Journals - tidy these with your sentimental items

  • Magazines - tidy with your books or with paper (or both)


The “everything else” category.

Since this category has some unexciting stuff like plastic bags and tidying your spices:


The hardest category. Which is why it’s last. You’ve honed your tidying skills. You know what brings you joy.

Bring together all of your:

  • Photographs

  • Letters

  • Journals

  • Art

Take a walk down memory lane. Sift away those things that weigh you down and keep the ones that lighten your life.