Tidying as a form of self-care

To my fellow Tidyers, I hope this post finds you healthy and well.

Right now I’m home, taking a break from tidying up, which I’ve been putting off for awhile. Before the virus hit, I was looking forward to spring, getting outside. I even started roller skating outside! I was looking forward to a weekend cabin getaway with friends to celebrate a birthday, but we had to cancel. A lot has changed in just one week. My company has ordered everyone to work from home until May. Which, at first, I was excited about (after all, I could use the tidying time).

But now that I’ve been trying to practice self-isolation, I realize how much social interaction I actually have. Even for a home body, when the weather here is so nice, all I want to do is be outside until the sun goes down. Sunshine makes me want to see friends, meet up with coworkers, and make travel plans. Instead, I’ve had to cancel everything and rethink ways to maintain some level of normal.

I still go outside. I go to places less crowded and either roller skate, or just walk. I choose times of day when the crowds are less, like dusk. And I wonder why I never used the magic of video calling! It’s so much more satisfying than texting or phone calls. Granted, in-person is still best, but wow, I’m so glad we have this technology.

Today, the weather is back to overcast, which is perfect for a tidying session. As an extra boost, I lit some incense, opened the windows and doors to let fresh air in, set my Roomba loose, turned on a podcast, and got the dishes done, the stove cleaned, and some counters cleared.

Caring for yourself is also an act of love

My kitchen counters have gotten out of hand again. I feel it every time I come home or walk by them; that sluggish feeling, that why-are-you-so-lazy feeling. Which isn’t helpful. But if I think of it more as a form of self-care, I can do a little bit at a time. Having some compassion for myself, since “tidy” is not my typical state, is also helpful. And, now that I am home for a good chunk of time, it helps me feel a little excited to take advantage of this and use it to get even tidier.

With the sun popping out, it has the unfortunate position of highlighting all the dust in the air. Something that I’m allergic to. So really, being tidier, is truly a form of self-care to keep myself healthy already, outside of our current situation.

Back to basics

Many of you may be at home more often now, maybe caring for your kids, family, and friends, all under a sort of house arrest, depending where you live. Be sure to take care of yourself too.

If your energy is depleted, caring for others will continue to deplete you. Make sure to take time out for yourself to recharge. This can be anything from luxurious wishes like a bubble bath, to a simple 15-minute nap, or cooking a healthy meal, or at this time, keeping surfaces cleared and sanitized.

These are stressful times. Look for those pockets of serenity, breaths of fresh air, and any other drops of self-care you can add to your bucket. They add up.

Hope you are all well ~ Take care of each other.